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Wednesday 26 April 2017

Drawing the curtains

I woke the sun this morning. I awoke when it was still merely considering starting the day and I had to coax it out of its hiding place in the east. I had to convince it to get up and take a look around. I drew my curtains wide and threw open the windows. Then I winked at the sun as if to share a secret. I wanted to convince it that there was something in my house worth peeking in for. I succeeded.
It lazily rose from its hiding place and gingerly stepped over my threshold before streaming in through every open nook and cranny. I laughed. The sun had decided to spend its day with me. What fun we would have!
Relationships are a lot like this. There are times when we meet people who have a lot of potential for adding value to our lives. When we first meet them, they might be taciturn or withdrawn. But a world of joy awaits if we can only entice them out of themselves.
I have two questions today for myself and everyone else reading this:
  1. Do you keep the sort of house that attracts people to come and visit? I am not talking about an actual house of bricks and mortar. I refer to the vessel you live in, which is more than flesh, but also incorporates a soul and a spirit. What is this house like? When people peep through your windows. do they want to stay and spend the day or do they scuttle away in relief that they have had a narrow escape?
  2. Do people shine when they depart from you? Do you evoke sunshine or thunder clouds in others?
Today, I have been blessed with a new day. Knowing myself, I will probably have a few misses as well as a few hits when it comes to the people who will be crossing my path. So my prayer for today will be a small one; may the hits outweigh the misses. May I contribute more than I detract.
Jesus reminds us:
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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