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Sunday, 30 April 2017
I have a very special friend who posted a photo of the picture above on her Facebook wall one day. I recognized it as having been taken on their outside table, from when I was visiting. It 'spoke' to me and I had to draw it, so I contacted her and obtained permission.
To anyone else this would simply be a hammer and some washers. But to me it represented so much more. It represented potential. I knew the owner to be someone who has the ability to create beautiful things from everyday objects. If a hammer and some colourful washers were lying on her table, there would soon emerge a thing of beauty from it. Have you ever noticed how a simple object in a master's hand can create beauty that awes and inspires anyone who looks at it? She is such a master.
This contemplation then led me to wonder about how masterful my own hands were. Do I use my hands to build up or do I use it to tear down? I believe that in life there is a fine balance to uphold between these two opposites. There comes a time when we do need to tear down that which has become obsolete and worthless, not because it no longer holds any worth for ourselves, but because it has come to take away worth from others or its surroundings.
That is when we need to weed these things from our lives. But we need to be very careful when weeding that we do not remove the things which still have value or potential, in the process. And when we have weeded, we need to make sure that we do not leave any voids. We need to create something in the place of that which we have thrown out.
Recently I watched a video on YouTube about a group of people from Paraguay who create musical instruments from discarded rubbish. They then give these instruments to the children living on this landfill and teach them to make music with it. They are called the Landfill Harmonic Orchestra. I've inserted a link here for you to watch the clip.
The Landfill Harmonic
This makes my point for me in a spectacular way. Are we masterfully creating, or are we forgetting to replace where we have torn down and discarded. These violins are worthless when compared to a Stradivarius. Yet they are priceless in the hands of their owners. Just so, a Stradivarius would be worthless in my hands for I do not know how to play a violin. An item's true worth can not be measured in monetary terms or even by who owns it. It's true worth lies in the hands of the master who fulfills its potential.
I want to share a poem by Myra Brooks Welch with you, that has always been dear to me. It is called The Old Violin. This version of the poem is sung by Wayne Watson. Click on the link to listen to it.
The Old Violin
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
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Saturday, 29 April 2017
Go fly a kite!
Have you ever felt like telling someone to go fly a kite? I believe the more popular expression these days is to take a chill pill. Same thing in essence. Both expressions deal with the need to unwind and relax and let go of those millions of strings that we hold on to so very tightly. But more often than not, when we use those expressions, we need to apply them to ourselves rather than to be looking at the other person to fault them for their mistakes.
So why the expression 'go fly a kite'? I have determined for myself that this expression also has to deal with those strings that are attached to the kite. If we hold on to them too tightly and reel the kite in too closely, it won't fly effectively. Kite flying teaches us that we have to let go. Release the string and relax your hold. Give the kite some rope so that it could be what it was created to be. If you do, you will find that the kite responds more positively to your commands, as if it wishes to please you, rather than being forced to do so. That is when you can run with the kite.
Is it not the same in our relationships with people? If we hold on too tightly and try to force them to behave according to our own ideas, we meet with resistance. But if we give them space and allow them to choose their own path in the wind, merely giving them little nudges to guide them, then we find that they can reach the heights they were created to reach. Then we can run with them. Then the relationships become fun. And so I have some good advice for myself today. Go fly a kite. Every time I get the urge to make decisions for someone else, I will remember the wind and the kites and the sunshine and the laughter. And I will remember to have fun. May you have a sun-drenched fun-filled day today.
Love... "is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no account of wrongs. (1 Corinthians 13:5)
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.For more crafty ideas and great products, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.You can subscribe to this blog and receive regular updates by email by simply registering your email address at the top of the current blog.
Friday, 28 April 2017
I want to be a superhero
"I want to be a superhero!" These words have been uttered innumerable times by little ones rushing through their back yards on their way to yet another adventurous discovery in the far corner of the garden. We, the listeners, smile inwardly when we hear these words and have a silent giggle over the innocence of preschoolers. They will soon enough grow out of their fanciful flights of imagination and grow up into reality.
Most recently though, I heard these words from the mouth of an 18 year old. This was a little disconcerting, but I did not make too much of it until he repeated it a couple of days later. That was when I stopped to inquire after the statement which seemed so strange to me at this age. He answered that he wanted to have super powers. He wanted to be able to fly, or shoot fire from his palms, or be stronger than a bulldozer or... The list is endless.
The story would just have been another frivolous conversation between two people if it hadn't been for the fact that it started me thinking about superheroes and superpowers and what all of that meant to us living in the real world.
When he was still very young, barely out of diapers, my little nephew prayed to God to please give him super powers. This went on for about a week until I finally sat him down and explained to him the difference between reality and fantasy. At that age I found it cute. So why did it bother me at 18? Was it because I thought the 18-year old had gotten the lines between reality and fantasy obscured? I did not. So what was it? It did not make sense to me until I started dissecting what the 'job' of a super hero entailed.
The super hero rushes towards danger to save the earth form pending danger (more often certain destruction). Only, he does this with very little risk to himself. He has superpowers. Of course the creators of these heroes realized that there would be little respect or adoration for a hero who did not risk anything. That is why they created weaknesses in their heroes. Superman's cryptonite, if you wish. (I hope I spelled that correctly, since spell checker does not seem to have a superhero vocabulary).
This then started me wondering why it was that neither my brothers nor I ever wanted to be superheroes growing up. It is quite possible that they did, but that I was simply oblivious to this fantasy of theirs, but as far as I can remember this never was the case. No, we wanted to be firemen or policemen or other such heroes.
Heroes. Not superheroes. You see, we grew up in a time where these people were still hailed as heroes, where their rushing into danger was considered heroic. The difference was that they did this at considerable risk to themselves. They did not have superpowers. The fire could burn them. They could not freeze the heat with a single stare or move with the speed of a tornado, or bounce bullets off their steel-hardened chests. There were real risks and real dangers. And very real responsibilities.
So what is the point of all this rambling about heroes and superheroes? Simply that I have concluded that the world we live in, is in dire need of more heroes. Not superheroes. We do not need people whooshing through our lives hit and run style without sticking around to take responsibility for their actions. We need heroes; people who will step into situations of need and lend assistance, even at great risk to themselves.
So I hail those heroes of ours who have unfairly come to be pitted against the superheroes; our doctors and nurses who often deal with very difficult situations, our policemen and women who stand between us and danger more often than we care to acknowledge, our firefighters, our soldiers, our teachers who stand between our children and ignorance, and everyone else who is standing on the front lines today warding off some form of evil, be that physical, mental or spiritual.
There was a movement in South Africa to have Mr. Nelson Mandela's birthday declared a public holiday. He urged us not to do so. Instead of a day of passivity, he encouraged people to take action, to go out and do something for someone else. In short, to be a hero.
May you have a hero when you need one, but more importantly, may you be a hero when you need to be, an anchor in the storm for someone who needs you.
I am reminded of Jesus' words when He said:
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. (John 15:13)
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.For more crafty ideas and great products, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.You can subscribe to this blog and receive regular updates by email by simply registering your email address at the top of the current blog.
Thursday, 27 April 2017
Midnight Liar
Last night I had an unwelcome guest arrive after I went to bed. I call him Midnight Liar. He usually shows up late in the evening when all turns to silence and he has a quiet audience. He demands full attention. When he opens his mouth, he spews forth distorted facts, exaggerated conclusions and falsehoods as if there is no end to them. He tends to wait until you are all alone, or until the hour is too inconvenient to phone or wake someone else to gain perspective on his reasoning.
Do you know who I am talking about? Has he been to your house as well?
I bet he has. He is forever trying to convince me that my plans will fail, that I will not measure up, that I am not good enough, that what I do, or plan to do, will not meet with approval... His list is endless. And does he ever have a knack for distorting truths!? His reasoning sounds quite plausible, until closer investigation. It follows more or less this pattern: upon digging up the bones of cavemen, archaeologists did not come upon the remains of any clothing. It therefore follows that caveman did not wear clothes, but went about naked. Plausible. However, further investigation leads to conclude that only the most hardened materials, such as bone and stone survived the passage of time. It can therefore also logically be deduced that caveman's clothes perished, along with his flesh and most everything else. Equably plausible! Of course Midnight Liar did not visit me in order to reason about whether or not caveman wore any clothes. He came to me with my own personal set of concerns and worries and he dressed them up in ghoulish uniform and paraded them past me as nightmares. I almost did not recognize them for the same issues I believed to have had a hold on earlier in the day, when the sun was still out and shining brightly. This reminds me of a visit that Jesus had from the Father of Lies, way back when He was only beginning His ministry here on earth. This liar also boded his time and waited for his prey to relax His guard, before he struck his poisonous arrows in His back. Again the attack was tailor-made for its intended victim. Jesus had a mission to complete which entailed establishing a Kingdom on earth for His Father. He knew it was going to be a hard and arduous task. In order to prepare for it, He went into the desert and fasted for forty days. This was when he was harassed by the devil. After three days, the devil came to tempt Him with promises of making it easier, of assisting Him, sympathetic lies woven especially for his audience of One. You can read the story in Luke 4:1-13. If you read verse 13, you will see that the New King James Version states that
"he departed from Him until an opportune time."Last night he found an opportune time at midnight in my house. I sent him on his way and told him his game was getting old.I wish I could tell you to simply not open the door to the Midnight Liar, but it will probably not be that simple. He seldom knocks. Polite is not a word in his vocabulary. So how do you defend yourself? I guess it comes back to that well-known passage in the Bible (Ephesians 6:10-20) that has us dressing in soldier's uniform as believers. It says to gird our waists with truth. Is your cover-up held together with truth, or have you swapped your truth for a fanciful lie? Have you sold out and given up? What defense have you got ready then for the day when the Midnight Liar knocks on your door? I listened to a preacher on the radio this morning telling the story of the rich young man who was ordered to sell everything in order to follow Jesus (Mark 10:17-22). Perhaps it is time for a garage sale so that we will have less obstacles with which to be tempted, and so that we become more focused on Jesus.
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.For more crafty ideas and great products, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.You can subscribe to this blog and receive regular updates by email by simply registering your email address at the top of the current blog.
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Drawing the curtains

It lazily rose from its hiding place and gingerly stepped over my threshold before streaming in through every open nook and cranny. I laughed. The sun had decided to spend its day with me. What fun we would have!
Relationships are a lot like this. There are times when we meet people who have a lot of potential for adding value to our lives. When we first meet them, they might be taciturn or withdrawn. But a world of joy awaits if we can only entice them out of themselves.
I have two questions today for myself and everyone else reading this:
- Do you keep the sort of house that attracts people to come and visit? I am not talking about an actual house of bricks and mortar. I refer to the vessel you live in, which is more than flesh, but also incorporates a soul and a spirit. What is this house like? When people peep through your windows. do they want to stay and spend the day or do they scuttle away in relief that they have had a narrow escape?
- Do people shine when they depart from you? Do you evoke sunshine or thunder clouds in others?
Jesus reminds us:
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You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
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Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
For more crafty ideas and great products, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.
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Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Keep Breathing
It is sometimes underestimated how much effort is required to execute that seemingly simple exercise of breathing in and out and then repeating the cycle again. The difficulty isn't the physical aspect of the exercise (although some asthma sufferers would like to argue this point), but the motivational side of it. There comes a time in your life when you long for that simple reflex action to stop and afford yourself the oblivion that death brings.
I believe most, if not all of us, have felt this way at one stage or another. Too many of us come from families or friendship circles where someone has even gone so far as to take that fatal step to end their own life. Others are living with people who live such self-destructive lives that they keep wondering when they will be getting that awful tiding that the person has finally pushed too far and too hard against that barrier that stands between life and death.
I have a natural inclination towards positivism. I am fortunate in this, because there are a huge amount of people whose own physical bodies make it difficult for them to remain positive, due to various factors which are outside the scope of this non-medical contemplation. But without any chemical or other physical causes for it, and despite my natural tendency towards positivism, even I have difficulty remaining positive when life decides to dump its trash on me.
You know what I'm talking about. Life has dumped on all of us at one stage or another. It tends to personalize the content for the intended victim, but we have all suffered the consequences of this.
What motivates you to keep breathing at those times? Is it the thought of the ones you will leave behind and the people who are dependent upon you? Sometimes not even they have enough pull to stay a desperate hand. Is it the fear of what awaits you 'on the other side' once you pass over? Fear is not a great motivator for those who seek to escape.
Just as the content of what gets dumped on us is personalized for each of us, so the thing which stays us is also personal. I found my motivation with God.
I am not a religious person. I used to be. I would go to church twice on a Sunday and in between on weekdays for various reasons; choir practice, prayer meetings, arrangements that needed to be made for functions, bible studies, etc. They were good times and I regret precious few of them. Yet, none of these things, even at the height of my enthusiasm for them, would have had the power to stay my desperate hand. Religion can not save anyone.
What stopped me from taking that fatal final step, was a personal relationship with God. Even as I'm typing this, I cringe at the thought of typing these over-used words and catch phrases. But there is no other way of saying this. I know God, as in I have met Him. We speak. Often. Honestly and frankly. No mincing of words in these conversations. The conversations are seldom one-sided. If you speak to someone often, you get to know them. If you speak to God often, you learn about love.
Love is such an abused word. I gets thrown around to describe a multitude of emotions. Worse, it gets used to cover a dump-load of wrongs done to others. It is used as an excuse. It is abused as a motivator. But true love, is none of these things. Love never considers itself. It does not brag. It is not egotistical. It does not look out for Number One. It does not spew forth its own rights. It does not neglect its responsibilities. I am starting to sound like Paul in his first letter to the church at Corinth (chapter 13).
It makes sense that I would sound like Paul. Paul and I fell in love with the same God. We both knew/know what it is like to be loved by Him. Our testimonies should correlate. I wish that everyone could all learn what it is to be loved like this. Unconditionally. No terms to be determined or dictated. Simple, truthful, honest love.
On that day when I went to the One who I value more than any other, it was merely to inform Him that I would be with Him soon to stay. I had no doubt that Someone who loved me this much would welcome me home at my most vulnerable time. He did not reject me. He did not scold me. He did not accuse me. He did not convince me of my sins and wrong-doings. He did not list a thousand reasons why I should not do this. He did not throw the law in my face. He simply listened. And then He asked one question:
"Does this mean you are taking your life back?"You see, I had given Him control of my life. I had assured Him of this, over and over again, throughout the course of my life. This was no longer my life to take. It was His. And I was not about to take God's life. Or one that belonged to Him. I would never rip something that belonged to God out of His hands, and presume to be able to be a better steward of it. I left my life in His hands. It was no longer mine, had not been in years. I could neither take it, nor take it back.
And then I relaxed.
If this was God's life, it was His responsibility. He would take care of things, He would deal with people and situations that needed to be dealt with. All I needed to do was to relax in the knowledge that He had more of a vested interest in 'my' life than I did, because it belonged to Him.
The key here is relationship. We've had had this relationship for years, God and I. He has always been true. I had no reason to doubt or mistrust Him. I still don't. Let go, and let God take control of your life as well. You will never regret this decision.
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
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Monday, 24 April 2017
The Tree of Life
Today I want to stop to tell you about a vision I had years ago. I was still at varsity, studying, with the world at my feet and a blank canvas to paint the story of my life on. One night, at one of our student Christian meetings, I had a clear vision that I can still recall vividly today.
I saw myself approaching a huge tree. The tree was very impressive, but I could not focus on the tree, as I had to concentrate so hard on avoiding stumbling over the labyrinth of roots extending out from it. The roots were a tangled mess, weaving in and out of the ground and crisscrossing each other randomly. When still a distance away from the tree, I was already forced to find a way to navigate the intricate root system that lay between myself and the tree.
At first, having to deal with smaller and thinner roots, I could easily walk over the roots, without tripping and falling. As the roots got larger and thicker, this was not so easily done. I had to search very carefully for a place to set my foot where it would not get ensnared by the roots. Sometimes, actually quite often, I was forced to step on the roots, rather than over them.
At last the roots became so thick that it became almost impossible to avoid stepping on them. They were simply too high and the open spaces between them too small. I completely gave up trying to avoid them and decided to rather try to balance myself on the roots. As soon as I did this, things started going better for me. By now the roots were so large and thick that balancing on top of them was a breeze. My journey towards the tree sped up considerably and I effortlessly reached it in next to no time.
As soon as I reached the tree, the vision started to make sense. I suddenly realized that the tree represented God and that all this time I was trying to approach Him. While I was carefully navigating the intricate root system, trying my best to find my own way, I was missing the easy route into God's presence. It was only when I finally gave up trying to pave my own way, that the journey became effortless. It was when I rested my whole weight upon God and followed the roots He had laid down for me, that I found myself in His presence, having no trouble getting there.
Looking back on my life, I realize that this is very much the way things had worked out for me. God has always been a central figure in my life and His presence there undeniable. Yet, being a healthy, talented and strong-willed individual, I wanted to create my own success. I was raised in a competitive house and I was used to the taste and reward of success. I used to believe that success tastes best when it is well deserved and earned. I no longer think so.
I have learned that no success is worth tasting if it is outside of God's will. I am not talking about sin here. I am simply talking about living a life fully committed to God, versus one where you still want to exercise control over the outcome. I have always been moving towards God. It was simply that I tried to avoid resting my whole weight upon Him. It wasn't necessary; I could do things for myself. Oh. how much easier this walk with God is now that I have learned to let go of my own ideas and ideals! These days I rest in Him. On Him. My whole weight is upon Him. I trust Him for everything. When I find Him sending me on my way, I simply pack up and go. I don't count the cost anymore. I trust God.
This is the story of my journey. It may differ from yours, but I want you to stop and contemplate this for a moment. Let me leave you with a thought from the Bible, that very accurately sums this up for me:
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."These words have also been turned into a song and I have taken liberty to copy the link to a version of it that I found on the internet. Enjoy this with me.
Trust in the Lord
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
For more crafty ideas and great products, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
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Sunday, 23 April 2017
Waarop fokus jy wat in God se pad staan?
Ek lees vandag in Johannes 7 en telkens herhaal dieselfde argument homself in hierdie hoofstuk. Lees so 'n paar verse saam met my dat jy kan sien waarna ek verwys.
vv. 27 - "Ons weet tog waar hierdie man vandaan kom; maar wanneer die Christus kom, sal niemand weet waar Hy vandaan kom nie."Wat my verstom aan hierdie verse is dat die enigste ding wat mense se pad gestaan het om in Jesus te glo, was die feit dat sy tuisdorp in Galilea was. Kom ons verskoon hulle onkunde vir 'n oomblik en ons aanvaar dat dit nie algemene kennis was dat Jesus in Betlehem en uit die geslag van Dawid gebore was nie. Dan moet mens jouself steeds afvra, hoe so 'n nietigheid, soos 'n tuisdorp, in die pad van jou geloof kan staan? Kom ons weeg hierdie kennis teen die ander getuienis oor Jesus, wat ons in dieselfde hoofstuk vind.
vv. 41-42 - "Party het gesê:'Hy is die Christus.' Maar party het gesê: 'Die Christus kom tog nie uit Galilea nie? Die Skrif sê mos die Christus kom uit die nageslag van Dawid en uit Betlehem, die dorp waar Dawid was.'"
vv. 52 - "Hulle sê toe vir hom: 'Jy kom tog nie ook van Galilea af nie? Ondersoek die Skrif en jy sal sien dat God niemand wat uit Galilea kom, as profeet roep nie.'"
vv. 3-5 - "Jesus se broers sê toe vir Hom: 'Gaan 'n bietjie hiervandaan na Judea toe (waar Jesus gesoek was om ter dood veroordeel te word) dat jou dissipels daar ook die wonderdade kan sien wat jy doen. 'n Mens wat oral bekend wil wees, doen immers nie iets in die geheim nie. Aangesien jy dan hierdie dinge doen, maak jou openlik aan die wêreld bekend.' Selfs sy broers het nie in Hom geglo nie."Dieselfde skare van mense het soveel bewyse gehad van Wie Jesus was (is). Hulle het wondertekens gesien gebeur. Hulle het Hom praat met 'n wysheid en kennis wat hulle verstom het. Hulle het ruiterlik erken dat hulle met meer as net nog 'n gewone mens te doen het. Almal moes erken, vriend en vyand, dat Jesus iemand besonders was. Tog het hulle telkemale bly struikel oor die feit dat sy tuisdorp in Galilea was.
vv. 12-15 - "Onder die feesmenigte is daar baie oor Hom gefluister. Party mense het gesê: 'Hy is 'n goeie man.' Maar ander het gesê: 'Nee, Hy mislei die mense.' Tog het niemand openlik oor Hom gepraat nie, omdat hulle bang was vir die Jode. Toe die feestyd al halfpad verby was, het Jesus na die tempel toe gegaan en die mense daar geleer. Die Jode was verbaas en het gesê: 'Waar kom Hy aan die geleerdheid? Hy het dan geen opleiding gehad nie!'"
vv. 25-26 - "Intussen het party van die inwoners van Jerusalem gesê: 'Is dit nie die man vir wie hulle wil doodmaak nie? En hier praat Hy nou in die openbaar, en hulle sê niks teen Hom nie. Het die lede van die Joodse raad miskien werklik tot die oortuiging gekom dat Hy die Christus is?'"
vv. 30-31 - "Hulle wou Hom toe gevange neem, en tog het niemand dit gedoen nie, omdat sy tyd nog nie gekom het nie. Maar baie van die mense het tot geloof in Hom gekom en het gesê: 'Wanneer die Christus kom, sal Hy tog seker nie meer wondertekens doen as wat hierdie man gedoen het nie?'"
vv. 40-41a - "Party van die mense wat hierdie woorde gehoor het, het gesê: 'Hy is werklik die Profeet.' Party het gesê: 'Hy is die Christus."
vv. 32, 45-46 "Die Fariseërs het gehoor wat die mense oor Hom fluister, en hulle en die priesterhoofde het wagte gestuur om Hom gevange te neem ... Daarna het die wagte na die priesterhoofde en die Fariseërs toe teruggegaan, en diè het vir hulle gevra: 'Waarom het julle Hom nie gebring nie?' Die wagte het geantwoord: 'Nog nooit het iemand gepraat soos hierdie man nie.'"
Toe ek vandag hierdie gedeelte lees, kon ek nie help om myself 'n paar vrae te vra nie. Ek het gewonder hoeveel getuienis van God 'n mens kan miskyk, terwyl jy jouself vasstaar teen beuselagtighede, wat jy in elk geval slegs 'n gebrekkige kennis van het. Hoeveel van ons laat toe dat hierdie nietighede in die pad van ons geloof van God staan? Waarom fokus 'n mens so op die dinge wat nie saakmaak nie, dat jy heeltemal perspektief verloor op dit wat van lewensbelang is?
Toe moet ek noodwendig vra; wat is dit waarop ek fokus wat maak dat ek nie by geloof uitkom nie? Is dit velkleur, 'n taal, iemand se oorsprong? Let wel, ek neem aan dat ek met wedergebore Christene praat in hierdie skrywe. Ek neem aan dat jy reeds in Christus glo. Maar is daar iets wat jou pad staan, sodat jy nie by God se wil vir jou lewe kan uitkom nie? Miskien is dit finansies, of wantroue in God se vermoë om vir jou te voorsien? Miskien is daar iemand vir wie jy lief is, wat jy bang is om te verloor? Miskien is die waagstuk net te groot?
Ek wil jou nooi om jou fokus te skuif. Kyk weg van die goed wat in die pad staan van jou verhouding met God, en kyk na God self. Hou jou oë op Jesus gerig. Wanneer jy dit doen, word die onmoontlike, moontlik.
Kyk gou saam met my na nog drie versies:
vv. 37-39 "Op die laaste dag, die groot dag van die huttefees, het Jesus daar gestaan en uitgeroep: 'As iemand dors het, laat hy na My toe kom en drink! Met die een wat in My glo, is dit soos die Skrif sê: Strome lewende water sal uit sy binneste vloei.' Hiermee het Hy na die Gees verwys, want die mense wat tot geloof in Hom kom, sou die Gees ontvang. Die Gees was nog nie uitgestort nie, omdat Jesus toe nog nie verheerlik was nie."Kind van God, waarom fokus jy op dinge wat jou van God verwyder? Gesalfde van die Vader, besef jy nie dat jy Gees-vervuld is en daarom die lewende God binne-in jou het nie? Gees-vervulde Christus-eksemplaar, daar is strome water wat lewe bied aan 'n wêreld wat dors na God, wat uit jou uit vloei. Waarom staar jy jou steeds blind teen jou probleme?
Skuif jou fokus vandag na God toe, en leef in die oorwinning wat Hy reeds vir jou aan die kruis behaal het.
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
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Saturday, 22 April 2017
It's Time - Dis Tyd
It is commonly known that Angus Buchan received instructions from God to gather a minimum of 1 000 000 people in Bloemfontein, in the middle of the country, to pray together against the conditions of corruption, crime and misconduct in the country. It is a call for all believers to come together to gather in God's name, humble themselves, confess their sins, and pray for their country.
As I awoke this morning, the song to 2 Chronicles 7:14 was repeating itself in my head. Here is a link to a version of the song:
As my volk oor wie my Naam uitgeroep is
Let me share the passage from the Bible as well. I'll start with the Afrikaans en then post an English version as well:
"...en my volk oor wie my Naam uitgeroep is, toon berou en bid en vra na my wil en draai terug van hulle bose weë af, sal Ek luister uit die hemel en hulle sonde vergewe en hulle land laat herstel." (NAV)
"...if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (NKJV)When thinking about this large meeting that is taking place today, I started praying about the event and for the goals of the meeting. This prayer soon took the form of a poem.
'n Gedig spesiaal geskryf vir die It's Time Event.
Vandag se dag vra 'n ander bid,
'n bid wat lankal in my kop vassit.
Vader, red ons land in hierdie uur,U’t ons van oraloor gestuur
om hier op een plek te vargader,
gee ons U oor, as ons U nader.
Vader, hoor ons as ons vra
dat U ons laste sal help dra.
Ons wil ons skuld voor U bely,
maak ons weer skoon, en nuut en vry.
Vernuwe nou ons hart en denke
Met U Heil’ge Gees geskenke,
sodat ons op U pad kan loop
in liefde, geloof en nuwe hoop.
Gee ons liefde vir mekaar
om ons in eenheid saam te skaar.
Maak ons sterk en gee ons moed,
om dit wat agter is te groet
en nooit weer omkyk terug te gaan
na dit wat ons land laat vergaan.
Ons rig ons oë nou net op U
en sien nie meer die wêreld nie.
In U is hoop, genesing en geloof,
ons is nie meer daarvan beroof.
Gee ons 'n nuwe manier van kyk
na hul wat van U woord afwyk,
sodat ons leer van empatie
en nie ook van U wegwyk nie.
Leer ons om met liefde om te gaan
met elkeen wat ons nie verstaan
sodat ons self U beter kan leer ken,
dis al hoe ons kan siele wen
om na U Vaderhart te bring
en vir vernuwe lewens te beding.
Vader, U is eeue-lank getrou,
hoor ons vandag in ons berou!
'n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys), getiteld Dis Tyd.
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
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Friday, 21 April 2017
Word jy so kwaad soos Jesus?
Kwaad-word is so 'n doodnatuurlike ding dat ons nie eers daaroor dink nie; dit gebeur sommer so vanself. Dis nou alled goed en wel, maar is dit reg? Hoort kwaad-word by 'n Christen se gedrag? Normaalweg, wanneer ek hierdie vraag tussen my mede-gelowiges en Christen-vriende vra, sal iemand reageer met die woorde dat selfs Jesus kwaad geword het. Dan sal almal inskiklik knik, en selgeregverdig voel in hierdie verontskudigende troos. Maar is dit waar? Nie dat Jesus kwaad geword het nie. Dit weet ons. Is dit waar dat ons woede met Syne kan vergelyk? Lyk ons woede soos Jesus s'n?
Voordat ons nou gaan kyk na hoe Jesus se woede gelyk het, wil ek hê dat elkeen van ons net eers so 'n bietjie die tyd terugspeel in ons eie koppe na die laaste paar insidente waar ons self kwaad geword het. Begin by die emosies wat jy ervaar het. Kan jy hulle herroep? Beweeg nou aan na die woorde wat jy gebruik het om jou woede uit te druk. Kan jy nog onthou wat jy gesê het? Kan ons nou na jou dade aanskuif? Wat het jy gedoen? Nee! moenie vergelyk met wat jy ander al sien doen het nie. Hierdie gesprek gaan nie oor of jy beter kwaad word as jou medemens nie. Uiteindelik wil ek hê jy moet uitvind hoe jy vergelyk met Jesus, maar nog nie nou nie. Nou moet jy nog net na jouself kyk, sonder om te vergelyk met enige iemand anders. Hoe tree jy op wanneer jy kwaad is?
Nou gaan ek die moeilikste vraag vra. Kan jy onthou hoe lank dit jou geneem het om van emosie tot aksie oor te gaan? Hoe vinnig het dit wat jy voel, by dade uitgekom? Kan jy dit nog herroep? Het dit genoeg ruimte gelaat om te dink oor dinge? Was daar tyd om jouself hierdie vrae af te vra voor jy tot aksie oorgegaan het:
- Verstaan ek my teenparty se motivering om te doen wat gedoen is?
- Is my woede redelik, gegewe die insident, of reageer ek vanuit ander insidente uit my verlede?
- Wat hoop ek gaan die resultaat wees, as ek my woede toon?
- Sal daar iets goeds spruit uit die feit dat ek kwaad geword het?
Kom ons dink net eers daaroor. Ek verwys na die insident waar Jesus die verkopers uit die tempel gejaag het. Kan jy dit herrroep? Ek wil dit nog nie lees nie, maar net daaroor dink. Die rede waarom ek eers daaroor wil dink, is omdat ons mense geneig is om onsself in situasies in te lees. So, sal ons altyd met die held/in in 'n verhaal identifiseer, eerder as die onderdrukte of onderdrukker. Wanneer ons onsself so in 'n situasie inlees, dan heg ons ook ons eie waardes en gedrag aan daardie karakter. Dus, wil ek hê ons moet elkeen eers dink oor die verhaal van Jesus waarna ek hier verwys. Dit wat jy van die verhaal herroep, kan vir jou baie omtrent jouself leer. Wees dus eerlik met jouself as jy waarde uit die oefening wil put.
Goed, laat ons dan nou uiteindelik die verhaal self lees, soos dit in die Bybel opgeteken is. Ek lees dit in Johannes 2:13-22.
Die paasfees van die Jode was naby, en Jesus het daarvoor na Jerusalem toe gegaan. Op die tempelplein het Hy die verkopers van beeste, skape en duiwe gekry en die geldwisselaars wat daar sit. Toe het Hy met toutjies 'n sweep gemaak en almal uit die tempel uitgejaag, ook die skape en die beeste. Die geld van die geldwisselaars het Hy op die grond gegooi en hulle tafels omgekeer. Vir die mense wat die duiwe verkoop het, het Hy gesê: “Vat hierdie goed hier weg! Moenie die huis van my Vader 'n besigheidsplek maak nie.” Toe het sy dissipels daaraan gedink dat daar geskrywe staan: “Die liefde vir u huis verteer my.” Maar die Jode het Hom aangespreek en vir Hom gesê: “Met watter wonderteken kan u vir ons bewys dat u hierdie dinge mag doen?” Jesus het hulle geantwoord: “Breek hierdie tempel af en in drie dae sal Ek hom oprig.” Die Jode sê toe: “Ses en veertig jaar lank is daar aan hierdie tempel gebou, en u sal hom in drie dae oprig?” Met “hierdie tempel” het Hy egter sy liggaam bedoel. Later, nadat Hy uit die dood opgewek is, het sy dissipels daaraan gedink dat Hy dit gesê het, en hulle het die Skrif en die woorde van Jesus geglo.So 'n paar gedagtes maak hulle los in hierdie gedeelte. Ten eerste sien ek dat Jesus Sy tyd vat tydens die insident. Hy vind tou. Dan gaan sit hy om 'n sweep te vleg. Dit sê oombliklik vir my dat ons nie hier met redelose blindelingse woede te doen het nie. Jesus het nie selfbeheer verloor nie. Hy het bedaard te werk gegaan. Mens en dier is uitgejaag. Tafels is omgegooi, maar Jesus se aksie was beplan en beredeneerd. Hy het besin oor wat Hy wil doen, hoe Hy dit wil doen, oor wat Hy wil sê, en oor die impak way Hy wou hê dit moet maak. Dit wat Hy gedoen het, het Hy met 'n besliste uitkoms in gedagte gedoen.
Kom ons vergelyk nou die effek van ons eie woede met die van Jesus. Kan iemand na jou woede kyk en dink dat jy 'n kind van God is? Veroorsaak dit nie eerder dat hulle jou Christenskap bevraagteken nie? Jesus se woede het Sy dissipels herinner aan dit wat geskryf was oor Hom deur die profete: "Die liefde vir u huis verteer my.”
Ja, ek is bewus daarvan dat Jesus se teenstanders nie oortuig was deur Sy optrede nie. Tog is dit vir my genoeg om te weet dat daar ten minste 'n groepie mense daar was wat dieper onder die indruk kon kom van Jesus se verhouding met die Vader, a.g.v Sy woede. Dit sê baie van Jesus se woede. Laat ek jou dus nou die vraag vra wat ek myself ook afvrae, en wat ek in die titel getik het:
Word jy so kwaad soos Jesus? Of is jou woede destruktief? Indien laasgenoemde, moet ek en jy dalk ophou om verskoning vir ons woede te vind in hierdie gedeelte, en eerder herroep wat daar in 1 Korintiërs 13:4-7 geskryf staan:
"Die liefde is geduldig, die liefde is vriendelik; dit is nie afgunstig nie, is nie grootpraterig nie, is nie verwaand nie. Dit handel nie onwelvoeglik nie, soek nie sy eie belang nie, is nie liggeraak nie, hou nie boek van die kwaad nie. Dit verbly hom nie oor onreg nie,maar verheug hom oor die waarheid. Dit bedek alles,glo alles,hoop alles,verdra alles."Hoeveel verskoning vir ons woede is daar in hierdie gedeelte toegelaat?
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
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Thursday, 20 April 2017
Menslike invloed
Johannes 2:23-25 "Terwyl Jesus vir die viering van die Paasfees in Jerusalem was, het daar baie mense tot geloof in Hom gekom toe hulle die wondertekens sien wat Hy doen. Maar Hy het Hom nie op hulle verlaat nie, omday Hy geweet hoe hulle almal is. Hy het nie nodig gehad dat iemand Hom iets van 'n mens vertel nie, want Hy het self geweet hoe mense is."Ek wil vandag gesels oor die woordjie 'roem'. Dis 'n woord wat 'n groot impak op ons samelewing het deesdae. Dink aan die invloed wat sy 'celebrity status' (roem) op die Amerikaanse verkiesing gehad toe Donald Trump nou onlangs die verkiesing gewen het. Maak geen fout nie, ek wil nie daarmee impliseer dat dit die enigste rede is waarom hy gewen het nie, maar ek verwys slegs na die feit dat dit tog wel 'n rol gespeel het. Net soos in die geval van die spiertier wat verkies is tot senator in Florida. Daar is hordes programme oor vele roemryke figure (celebrities) wat vir ons wil vertel hoe ons moet eet, leef, aantrek, ons huise versier, die buitelewe moet aanpak, wat ons moet lees, en elke ander aspek van ons lewens waaaraan ek nie eens kan dink op hierdie oomblik nie. Sal ek myself toelaat om ook ons geestelike lewens hierby in te sluit?
Hoeveel gelowiges volg vandag die een of ander 'celebrity' prediker? Hoeveel van ons was al teleurgesteld wanneer hulle dan in 'n seks-skandaal, of geldelike skandaal, of iets dergliks betrap word? Wat is dit wat ons na hulle aantrek? Is dit hulle roem? Ons het tog almal baie goeie predikers in ons onmiddellike omgewing ook. Hierdie roem-predikers is tog nie die enigstes wat goed kan preek nie? Is dit omdat ander mense 'n ophef van hulle maak; omdat hulle groot getalle trek? Is dit omdat hulle oënskynlik suksesvol is? Ek het niks teen 'celebrity' predikers nie, al klink dit dalk of ek teen die hele klomp te velde trek. Inteendeel, ek dink dat baie goed kan kom uit die luister na hierdie predikers. Ek wil slegs hê dat jy vir 'n oomblik sal stop om te besin oor dinge. Soos Jesus gedoen het in die gedeelte wat ek hierbo aangehaal het.
Jesus was vir 'n oomblik die 'celebrity' prediker van sy omgewing. Die omgewing was groot, want dit was Paastyd en hordes mense het na Jerusalem gestroom vir die fees. Hy kon daarmee op loop gegaan het, maar Hy het geweet dat mense se aanhang kortstondig is. Moenie mense se eer nastreef nie. Moenie eers mense nastreef nie. Maak soos Jesus gemaak het. Rig jou oë op God, doen wat Hy jou gee om te doen, en laat dit daar. As mense dink dis wonderlik, skud hulle eer van jou af, as hulle dink dis vreeslik, skud hulle argwaan van jou af. Konsentreer op jou verhouding met God. Hy is die enigste standvastige Persoon in jou lewe.
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
For more crafty ideas and great products, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.
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Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Doen wat jou hand vind om te doen
Ek wonder so baie wat my te doen staan in die tyd tussen my roeping en die uitvoering/vervulling daarvan. Het jy ook al gewonder. Jy kry 'n woord/roeping/bevestiging van wat God wil hê jy moet doen en jy is op die oomblik vuur en vlam en gereed om dit aan te pak. Tog is die tyd dalk nog nie reg nie. Almal sê vir jou om te wag. Jy wag maar, want jy het in elk geval nie 'n ander opsie nie. Wat doen jy intussen? Ek reken 1 Samuel 10:6-7 het dalk die antwoord. Samuel het Saul nou net ingelig dat hy koning sou word van Israel. Hy lig Saul in oor wat gaan gebeur wanneer hy vertrek. Hy gaan 'n groep profete ontmoet en saam met hulle profeteer. Lees nou:
"Dan sal die Gees van die Here kragtig in jou werk. Jy sal saam met hulle as profeet optree EN 'N ANDER MENS WORD. Wanneer hierdie tekens oor jou kom, ..."Wag daarvoor.
"... moet jy DOEN WAT JOU HAND VIND OM TE DOEN, want ..."Wag daarvoor.
"... God is by jou."Jy is Gees vervul, geroep, verander in 'n nuwe mens en God is by jou en wat moet jy doen?
Wat ookal te doene is. Was die skottelgoed, balanseer die tjekboek, vat die kinders skool toe ens, ens, ens.
God sal Sy roeping oor jou lewe vervul wanneer die tyd reg is. Wag. God het jou nie vergeet nie. Hy is in beheer en Hy het steeds 'n plan met jou lewe. Moet nie nou moed opgee en begin twyfel nie. God sal doen wat Hy beplan het en jy is deel van daardie plan.
Hoop dit gee jou moed om aan te gaan met die gewone 'humdrum' van die lewe terwyl God se Gees-energie deur jou are bruis .
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
Jy kan Kom Ons Teken en Verf Tuinstories hier koop.
Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
For more crafty ideas and great products, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.
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Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Lesse onder die vrugtebome
Ek het so 'n ruk terug geksryf oor die vrugtebome in die tuin wat so goed dra hierdie jaar. Hulle is letterlik oortrek van vrugte. Een middag laat het daar 'n rukwind verbygekom en 'n tak van een van die bome het meegegee onder die gewig van die vrugte en die aanslag van die wind. Dis eers toe ek weer by die kombuisvenster uitkyk dat ek gesien het dat die tak op die grond bly lê het.
Nog 'n tak het baie laag gehang en het groot gevaar geloop om ook af te breek. Hierdie een kon ons darem betyds gestut kry.
Wanneer 'n mens so onder die vrugtebome deurloop en soek vir ryp vrugte, loop jou kop sommer maklik sy eie pad en so het ek 'n paar waardevolle lesse by die vrugtebome geleer hierdie seisoen.
Die eerste les het ek geleer by die tak wat gestut is. Jy sien, 'n mens se lewe kan ook so baie vrug dra dat jy onder die gewig daarvan swik. Baie mense bevind hulleself in 'n bediening of 'n beroep waar ander van hulle vrugte afhanklik is. God is getrou en Hy rus jou toe met die vrug wat jy nodig het. Die ding is dat mens so maklik onder die indruk kan kom dat jy dit alles self moet kan doen. Dis nie waar nie. Daar kom tye wanneer ons ander in ons lewens moet toelaat om ons te stut, sodat ons dit kan doen waarvoor ons geroep is. Hierdie is nie sommer iets wat ek uit my duim suig nie. 'n Fisiese voorbeeld hiervan vind ons in Eksodus 17:12
"Maar Moses se arms het begin moeg word. Hulle het toe 'n klip gevat en dit agter hom neergesit sodat hy daarop kon gaan sit. Aaron en Hur het sy arms van weerskante af ondersteun sodat sy arms regop gebly het tot sononder."Wanneer jy moeg word en voel of jy bykans uitgebrand is, wanneer jy dink jy het die einde van jou krag bereik, moet nie glo dat jy gefaal het nie. Moet nie glo dat iemand anders jou taak moet oorneem nie. Laat toe dat die mense wat God in jou lewe geplaas het, jou ondersteun en dit vir jou moontlik maak om jou taak te volvoer.
'n Tweede les het ek geleer by die tak wat afgebreek het. Die tak was letterlik oortrek van perskes en die vrugte het belowend daar gesit. Hulle het al begin verkleur, maar hulle was nog nie ryp genoeg om te pluk nie. Dit was 'n tragiese gesig en ons het almal gereken dat ons daar die vrugte almal sou verloor. Dit was letterlik massas vrugte. Omdat die tak so swaar was, het ons besluit om hom eers net daar te los en hom later te kom afsaag waar hy nog net aan 'n repie aan die boom verbind was. As al die vrugte eers afgevrot het, sou dit makliker wees om die tak te gaan weggooi.
Daardie tak se vrugte het hierdie week begin ryp word. Daardie repie wat oorgebly het en steeds aan die boom vas was, was genoeg om die vrugte te voed en te laat ryp word. Dis toe waar ek leer dat solank as wat ons aan God vashou, maak nie saak hoe swak ons verbinding is nie, is daar 'n oop kanaal waardeur God ons kan voed, 'n kanaal wat keer dat ons vrot of verdroog.
Ek het nog iets geleer. God gee nie op met gebroke mense nie. Jou gebrokenheid kan maak dat ander na jou kyk en jou afskryf, maar God kan jou in jou gebrokenheid gebruik om steeds vrug te dra wat vir ander iets kan beteken. Daardie selfde mense wat jou afgeskryf het, kan by jou takke kom buk en gevoed word met die vrug wat jou lewe dra.
Dis waarom Jesus hierdie woorde gespreek het in Johannes 15:5
"Ek is die wingerdstok, julle die lote. Wie in my bly en Ek in hom, dra baie vrugte, want sonder my kan julle niks doen nie."Het jou tak heeltemal afgebreek of is daar nog 'n stuk wat aan God vasgeheg is? Dis eers as daar geen kontak meer is met God nie, dat Jesus die woorde in vers 6 sê:
"As iemand nie in My bly nie, word hy weggegooi soos 'n loot en hy verdroog. Die mense maak sulke lote bymekaar en gooi dit in die vuur, en dit verbrand."As daar nog iets in jou is wat na God hunker, is jy nog nie verdroog nie. Gebruik daai oorblyfsel wat steeds aan God geheg is en soek Hom in alle erns op. Hy sal die deur oopmaak vir elkeen wat klop. Elkeen wat Hom soek, sal Hom vind. (Openbaring 3:20).
My lesse by die vrugtebome was nog nie klaar nie. Ek het nog iets opgelet. Die voëls het in die bome kom baljaar. Hulle het lekkerbekkig aan al wat vrug is gepik en dan eenvoudig aanbeweeg na die volgende. Die kleinste van pikmerkies op 'n vrug, het gemaak dat daardie vrugte binnekort gevrot het, sommer so aan die boom.
Dit het my laat dink aan hoe ons ander mense soms seggenskap gee in ons lewens. Hulle kom en pik-pik aan ons en vertel ons dat ons nie goed genoeg is nie, dat ons nie waarde het nie, dat ons tekort skiet. Hoeveel van ons het nie al soos ryp vrugte toegelaat dat hierdie mense 'n deel van ons lewens kry en ons dan net so laat staan met al die letsels om van hulle uitbuiting te getuig nie? Ek besef dat 'n vrug nie veel mag kan uitoefen oor wie hom eet nie, maar ek en jy kan. Ek wil jou aanmoedig om jou vrug te hou vir iemand wat jou sal waardeer, iemand wat die sap van sy hand sal aflek en die pit afsuig tot daar geen vlees meer oor is nie. Spaar jouself vir die persone wat jou vrug sal geniet en wegloop en getuig van die genot wat hulle by jou gesmaak het. Anders as met perskes, sal sulke mense jou nie opgebruik nie, maar jou beter laat as wat hulle jou gevind het.
Maar kom ek sluit op 'n positiewe noot af. Daar was nog een les wat ek geleer het. Gedurende die wintermaande het ons elke oggend brood en ander kosse by die agterdeur uitgegooi vir die voëls wat daar kom eet het. Mens kon skaars voorbly daar het so baie voëls opgedaag. Nou, in die somer, doen ons dit steeds, maar die baie swerms voëls daag nie meer op nie. Dis eintlik nog maar net die kiewiete wat elke dag kom soek. Hierdie broeipaar (en hul kuikens) bly al 'n paar jaar hier op die plot en het al voorbarig begin om ons luidkeels uit te trap as ons nie vinnig genoeg sorg nie. Maar hier is die les.
God sorg vir die voëls. Winter of somer, met vrugte, of deur mense-hande, is daar altyd kos vir die voëls. Waarom bekommer jy jou dan oor die dag van more, oor wat jy sal eet, of wat jy sal aantrek, of waar jy sal slaap? Sal God nie veel beter vir jou sorg nie? Werp jou bekommernisse en jou swaar laste dan nou af en vertrou God om te doen wat Hy gesê het Hy sal doen. (Matteus 6:25-32).
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Monday, 17 April 2017
"Dryf hulle uitmekaar Here, maak hulle taal onverstaanbaar vir mekaar."
Hierdie is 'n belangrike beginsel om van kennis te neem. Vandag is dit 'n erkende feit dat 'n maatskappy sal ondergaan as daar 'n 'breakdown in communication' is. Hoe lyk jou huwelik? Hoe lyk jou verhouding met jou kinders? Hoe hanteer jy jou kollegas? Wat van jou vriende, ouers, werkers ens.? As julle nie (meer) dieselfde taal praat nie, sal julle uitmekaar dryf. Maak 'n plan om weer uit te kom by die punt waar julle uit een mond en een hart praat. Dra mekaar se belange op die hart. Deel met mekaar. Leer uit Dawid se gebed vir sy vyande en moenie dieselfde pad volg nie.
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
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Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
For more crafty ideas and great products, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.
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Sunday, 16 April 2017
Hier is ek! Stuur my!
"Toe het ek die Here hoor vra: 'Wie kan Ek stuur? Wie sal ons boodskapper wees?'
Ek het geantwoord: 'Hier is ek! Stuur my!'" (Jesaja 6:8)Is jy gereed om 'ja' te antwoord as God iemand soek om na 'n sondige wêreld toe te stuur? Is jy seker? Is jy bereid om vir mense te sê dat sonde sonde is, en nie iets anders geword het net omdat ons vandag kies om dit anders te noem nie?
Jesaja 5:20 "Ellende wag vir die wat sleg goed noem en goed sleg, wat van duisternis lig maak en van lig duisternis, wat bitter soet noem en soet bitter."Ons moderne mens vind dit gereeld gerieflik om onsself te oortuig dat ons beter weet en meer verstaan. Ons vind toleransie vir 'n menigte sondes in hierdie verhewe wete van ons. Ons gaan selfs sover as om hierdie sondes goed te praat en onsself aan te matig dat God mense so geskep het. Daardeur onthef ons onsself van alle blaam en maak God skuldig volgens Sy eie Woord, want Hy het dit duidelik as sonde veroordeel.
Jesaja 5:21 "Ellende wag vir die wat dink hulle het die wysheid in pag, wat dink hulle het baie verstand."Hoeveel maal moet ek hoor hoe mense aangemoedig word om te leef vir hulle eie plesier? Geluk word voorgehou as die ideaal waarna gestreef moet word.
Jesaja 5:12 "Daar is liere en harpe, tamboeryne, fluite, en wyn by hulle fuifpartye. Maar van wat die Here doen, neem hulle geen notisie nie, sy dade sien hulle nie raak nie."Dit is tyd dat ons die boodskap aan die wêreld bring dat hulle die knie voor God moet buig. Nederigheid is deesdae 'n afskuwelike woord. Wees nederig voor God. Erken jou sonde. Lê dit af. Stap weg van wat verkeerd is en soek God, sy Woord en sy wil vir jou lewe. Doen wat God verwag. As jy ongemaklik is met wat God verwag, lê die probleem nie by God nie, dis by jou. Jy moet verander.
Is jy gereed om hierdie boodskap die wêreld in te neem?
"Toe het ek die Here hoor vra: 'Wie kan Ek stuur? Wie sal ons boodskapper wees?'
Ek het geantwoord: 'Hier is ek! Stuur my!'" (Jesaja 6:8)
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
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Saturday, 15 April 2017
Die donkie-wals
Ek neem jou hand om met jou te
en ons dans op die ritme van
Ek ruk my om op die maat van
'n wals
maar die note van die orkes
galm vals
Een, twee, drie, een, twee,
drie om en om,
om by jou te pas, hou ek my
Ek buig en ek boog om al laer
af te sak,
bang as ek nie buig, bly ek
dalk op die rak.
“Kom dans saam met my”,
hoor ek my stem
maar jy weier botweg en bly
steeks wegrem.
“Dis 'n dans van verlossing,
genesing en hoop.”
“Dis 'n dans wat my van my
eie-ek stroop!”
“Dis 'n dans waar jy vind
wat jy nog altyd mis.”
“Al wat ek mis, is om van
jou neulery te rus!”
Ons dans om en om,om en om,
heen en weer,
ons trap mekaar se tone en ons
pootjie en kry seer
Hoe is dit dat ons ritme, ons
dan vul met vrees,
as al wat ons wil hê, is om
bymekaar te wees?
Jou hand val weg, en ek
verloor my greep
“Dis wat jy kry as jy
heeldag loop en dweep!”
My hart wil breek, my stem
roep stukkend,
en ek voel die las van my
geloof verdrukkend.
Ek herroep Sy las is lig en Sy
juk is sag.
Hoe kon ek dan hierdie lyding
“Wie dra jou las, met wie’t
jy dit gedeel?
Was dit nie een wat jou van My
wou steel?
'n Os of 'n donkie, met watter
een trek jy
wanneer julle twee oor My
bestaan stry?”
“My Vader, vergeef my. Ek
ontken U nie!”
Die haan kraai vergeefs op
een, twee en drie.
Ek neem my Vader se hand vir
'n nuwe dans,
met waarheid omgord, kry ek
nog 'n kans.
‘n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys).
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great products, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
Remember to keep nurturing your TALENT for making PRETTY things.
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Friday, 14 April 2017
Ek haas my verby woorde wat saakmaak
om myself te verstrik in dinge wat min traak.
Ek laat na om te dink en te peins voor ek praat
en laat my weglei in belang van ‘n ander vraat.
In my haas het ek vergeet dat my woorde ons bou
en dat jou woorde alleen ons nie staande kan hou,
dat jy my met jou woede-woorde wil bedwing
voordat my besig-wees my ewig van jou wring.
Ek is haastig, ek moet gaan, die wêreld gaan nie wag
en ek is weg en nie meer daar, en dit word elke dag.
Dan kom ek eendag tuis en ek roep jou by die naam,
maar die jy wat was, is weg, en ek’s alleen, al is ons saam.
Stadig stap ek in my woorde terug, soek hakkelend die pad
waarmee ek jou aan die hart kan raak om aan jou siel te vat.
Onseker, skil jy skanse af om na my terug te keer,
wyfel telkens, weeg, besluit, of jy weer wil probeer.
‘n Oorspronklike gedig deur Miekie (Marietjie Uys).
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy the books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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Jy kan Kom Ons Kleur Tuinstories In hier koop.
Jy kan Tuinstories hier koop.
You can follow Miekie's daily Bible Study blog, Bybel Legkaart, here in English & Afrikaans.
You may prefer to follow the traveling blog, A Pretty Tourist.
For more crafty ideas and great products, visit A Pretty Talent on Facebook.
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